Tuesday, November 29, 2011

From one of the 99%

Okay folks, this has been building up for a while.....

If you don't want to be in the 99% go do something about it. Bitching and whining about how someone else has something you do not is not going to change anything. The top 3 wealthiest people in America were not born with that wealth. It was not bequeathed to them from a rich uncle on his death bed. It was not handed down through royal decree, it was fucking earned! Through hard work, sacrifice, and good old fashioned unscrupulous determination.

Less than 1% of high school football players possess the skills and determination that result in a transition to the level of professional. The statistics are approximately the same for other major league sports in America. Yet there is no occupy the NFL movement. If you can't cut it, don't play and everyone understands this.

Bill Gates: America's #1 Mr. Big Bucks was born to a lawyer father, who started his own firm (read: not born rich) and a teaching mother turned business woman. These were entrepreneurs. They struggled and saved and invested and committed themselves to improving their lot in life. In fact, William H. Gates Sr. PUT HIMSELF THROUGH COLLEGE using the G.I. Bill after serving honorably in WWII!

What has happened to the American Dream? It has become a nightmare.. It has become something that 99% of Americans feel they are entitled too simply because they are American!

I have news: You are not entitled to shit!

No one owes you a damned thing. Get off your ass, and get to work. Stop popping out babies you can't afford. Stop bitching and whining about people who have worked their asses off. Everyone recognizes that a soldier sacrifices much for his country. What the 99% fails to recognize is that the the wealthiest 1% of this country also sacrifice. They sacrifice Christmas away from home, they sacrifice story time with their kids (if they even have kids), they give up the chance to watch their children grow, play baseball, win a spelling bee. They sacrifice family, love, and much much more.

Is it not a sacrifice, because the reward is money instead of honor?

That was their choice and you can make it too!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Live to you from my bed..  well, not really live.  I am in bed though so there is at least 50% accuracy.  Baseball players get paid serious green for that.  Anyways,  mobile app for blogging acquired, and that should make this blogging thing even easier!

Little Kids, Scotch, Tattoos, Baking, and Anthropology

How is that for a title?  Quite the combination.  I was trying to think of something and came up with a whole bunch of nothing..  So instead of one coherent idea you get a jumble of stuff!  Yay you!

Today started out at 6.  Coffee, breakfast, more coffee, chasing children, wiping butts, washing hands, baking cookies.

I tweeted the word penis on two separate occasions today, I blame Chasity Taylor...

Played Battlefield 3 while the wife finished up dinner, was having an epic game with my recon troop.  19 kills, 5 deaths, 2 sniper ribbons, a combat efficiency ribbon, and some other swag.. good night.

Drinking scotch, watched episode six of Terra Nova.  I like Sci-Fi shows and I really hope Fox doesn't screw this one up and cancel it.

Now I'm trying to read a chapter of my Intro to Anthropology book before the lecture tomorrow, but instead I'm blogging randomness.

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ding! Round 3: A New Beginning

Ok, so this is possibly round 3 or 4 on the whole blogging thing for me.  So far I just haven't been able to get into it.  I'll update it for a while and then something new and shiny comes along so I fall out of the habit of updating.

It's not going to be like that this time.  I am planning on at least writing down some ideas every night and while they may not get posted here every single night.. they will make it here soon after.

Topics which I will most likely end up blogging about may include but are not limited to video games, do-it-yourself, parenting, politics, America, manliness, technology, and geek culture..

If at some point in time I have people reading this blog that I don't know personally or haven't met through blogging then I may have guest blogs or blog requests... I dunno, I'm just gonna wing it.