Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Not-So Ambiguously Rich Duo

Ok, listen up folks. I’m gonna yell at you for a minute about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

When will you open your eyes to the fact that this duo doesn't represent you.  It doesn't represent the ideals that we expect from our friends and families, so WHY would you tolerate it from our politicians and government.  THESE GUYS ARE THE PROBLEM!!

We all complain about the corruption in government, about the flip flopping nature of these asshats whom we continuously elect and let get away with it.

WHY would you vote for someone who is his own best debater?  Seriously, pick a stance on ANY ISSUE and you can find data and likely personal testimony from this team to support it.  This is not a good thing folks. We want people, we NEED people who have a stance and will stick to it. It’s called integrity and I don’t know where the fuck Americas went.  You don’t tell people what they want to hear just to get into an elected office.  You educate yourself on a stance you defend it, explain it, and promote it to people who disagree with you.

Sell Social Security to wall street?  The same wall street that was just BAILED OUT?!?  Are you EFFING kidding me?  No.  No abortions at all? Incest? doesn't matter.  Rape? doesn't matter. Listen up jackhole.  NO ONE WANTS AN ABORTION.  No one likes the idea of it.  It isn't something that is undertaken lightly and this is not a slippery slope that leads to people screwing in the streets and popping morning after pills like candy corn. This is a serious, dramatic, life changing decision that is made by scared and very often underprivileged and underage women and by legislating away the option you are putting peoples lives at risk.

Romney and Ryan want to claim they are all about SMALL GOVERNMENT but you can't claim to be about small government and then try and legislate something as intimately personal as abortion and contraception.  I understand if you disagree with it.  I personally would never want anyone I love to have an abortion, I would tell them it's not the right path, but I WOULD NEVER FORCE THEM to make that decision.

I can not stand the fact that we are currently having a serious debate about where we want to head as a nation and that these two jokers are the best that we can pull out of our collective asses to compete with President Obama!

EVERYONE agrees that we need to pull the nation out of debt, but you don't let your children starve to pay off the bills.  YOU STOP BUYING EXTRAVAGANT SHIT!

EVERYONE agrees that social programs need to be regulated to avoid abuse.  That doesn't mean you do away with them.

This is about where we want our nation to be in the future.  This is about how we treat our neighbors, our friends, and our family.This is about opportunity for the fading middle class and working poor in this country.

If you don’t like the idea of a gay man getting married.  Don’t marry him.  What he does behind closed doors with consenting adults is his own fucking business and not any of yours or your governments.

It’s about liberty and personal freedom.  

It’s not about Republican or Democrats or Libertarians or Socialist.  There is no one solid stance that EVERY one of those demographics agree on. This is about the QUALITY of the individual in office, be that person man, woman, black, white or purple.  Mitt Romney has continuously displayed the qualities of slimy used car dealer.  (No offense to slimy used car dealers meant) He has no backbone, he is not a fiscal conservative, his very patriotism is in question. He will say whatever he and his HANDLERS think will get him the most votes. He’s a huckster and a shyster.

OBAMA 2012!

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