Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WTF?! January is over?

Ok, where the hell did you go January?  I didn't get any snow, it barely dipped below freezing for a night... and it's been back to shorts and flip flops.

I haven't blogged in one month, but it's been a busy month.  Spring semester started and I'm taking all new classes.  Sociology, Computer Application, English Comp 2, and .... /shudder College Algebra.  So far I'm doing ok.  The two online classes (Sociology and Computer Apps) are WAY TO EASY to procrastinate and I am by nature a procrastinator.  Dangerous stuffs it is.

I feel like I've been neglecting twitter too, but I think I got that issue resolved tonight.  I was having issues connecting my facebook and my twitter accounts and I am WAY to lazy or just not inspired enough (Lazy!) to post the same shit to both social networking sites.  Hopefully this way I can keep in touch with the few friends who seemingly ONLY use Twitter (Yes, I am talking about you two!) AND the plethora of folks who I only keep in touch with on facebook.

I also stumbled across this month...  Translation: The black hole that is 9gag has started sucking me in.  It's hilarious.  Mostly.

I also decided to build a MAME Arcade Cabinet. ( I don't know why! Shut up and quit interrupting me)  MAME stands for Multi Arcade Machine Emulator and basically it simulates thousands of classic arcade games which you can then play on your computer.  I found out there was this whole community of people who refurbish old arcade cabinets and/or build their own and I was totally hooked on the idea.  So I bought a control panel, a coin door, some lumber, and recruited my handy man father to help me build the thing.  I painstakingly drafted blueprints for the thing, then left those at home when I started making cuts and screwing shit together.  I've posted a few pics on facebook, but I'll put up the full walkthrough here when we are done.  It should turn out pretty nice, even if all the original plans did go out the window.

Check out the links below if your interested in MAME and I'll see you later.  It's past my bedtime.

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